Friday, May 2, 2008

Ellie had Kids

The last of the goat kids for this season were born last night. Ellie is a proud mother of twins - a buckling and a doeling.

My little sister Elsie and I were home by ourselves and I knew Ellie was in labor. Elsie is almost 7 and loves the goats like they are her best friends. She spends hours each day playing with them and is heartbroken whenever one is sold, so you can imagine how tremendously excited she was about this birth. Kid number 1 was born relatively easily, I had to assist a little as he was a huge buck kid and got a bit stuck. Elsie has dubbed him "Pirate". First she wanted to call him "Patches" but now it's "Pirate". No idea how that evolved. The second kid was born 10 minutes later. There weren't any problems but I allowed Elsie to assist. As you can imagine she was estatic.

Both kids are large, very healthy, strong and WILD colored. Oh my, I will post pictures tonight so you can see for yourself, but they are black with all sorts of white patches and stripes.

This concludes the goat births for this year. All four of my does have had twins, 3 males and 5 females total. I'm not complaining at all. Everyone has been born healthy and the does didn't have any major problems giving birth - I'm happy!

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